/******************************************************************************* * Project Title: ArduBot - Arduino robot * Author: Ing. David Hrbaty * Version: 1.1 * Revision Date: 21/12/2014 * * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of either the GNU General Public License version 2 * or the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, both as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * Schematic pinout: * * Left Servo motor: D06 * Right Servo motor: D07 * Head servo: D08 * Ultrasonic sensor TRIG PIN: D09 * Ultrasonic sensor ECHO PIN: D10 * Speaker: D11 * IR Receiver: D12 *******************************************************************************/ #include #include // I have used TimeFreeTone, because original Tone library uses Timer, which I have used for timig servos and IR remote control. // I haven`t used original Ping library for Ultrasonic sensor, because I have had problem with using Timer also. #include #include "pitches.h" //Below are the symbolic constants. Instead of having to type in a non-sensical pin number each time we want to do something we can write an easy to understand name which represents the pin, the compiler will then replace the names with the numbers #define TRIG_PIN 9 #define ECHO_PIN 10 #define LED 13 #define SPEAKER 11 #define IR_RECEIVER 12 //Here we have created four 'objects', three for the servos and one for the IR receiver Servo servo_head; Servo servo_left; Servo servo_right; IRrecv irrecv(IR_RECEIVER); decode_results results; //Below we are creating unsigned integer variables which we will use later on in the code. They are unsigned as they will only have postive values unsigned int duration; unsigned int distance; unsigned int FrontDistance; unsigned int LeftDistance; unsigned int RightDistance; unsigned int LeftDiagonalDistance; unsigned int RightDiagonalDistance; unsigned int Time; unsigned int adDistance; unsigned int CollisionCounter; char choice; char turnDirection; // Gets 'l', 'r' or 'f' depending on which direction is obstacle free // There are limits for obstacles: const int distanceLimit = 27; // Front distance limit in cm const int sideDistanceLimit = 12; // Side distance limit in cm const int turnTime = 300; // Time needed to turn robot int distanceCounter = 0; int numcycles = 0; // Number of cycles used to rotate with head during moving int roam = 0; // Switching between automatic and manual mode of moving int mon = 0; // Switching between monitor and manual mode of moving int playSong = 0; // Variable is set when any song is playing int musicSong = 0; // Variable is set to recognise which song is playing int melodyTones[] = { 262, 196, 196, 220, 196, 0, 247, 262 }; int melodyDurations[] = { 250, 125, 125, 250, 250, 250, 250, 250 }; int melodyTones2[] = { NOTE_C4, NOTE_C4, NOTE_G4, NOTE_G4, NOTE_A4, NOTE_A4, NOTE_G4, NOTE_F4, NOTE_F4, NOTE_E4, NOTE_E4, NOTE_D4, NOTE_D4, NOTE_C4}; int melodyDurations2[] = {200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 500, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 500}; void setup() //This block happens once on startup { Serial.begin(9600); //Here we are setting the pin modes. As we will sending out signals from the pins we set them as outputs pinMode(LED, OUTPUT); servo_head.attach(8); servo_left.attach(7); servo_right.attach(6); pinMode(TRIG_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(ECHO_PIN, INPUT); irrecv.enableIRIn(); moveStop(); } void loop() //This block repeats itself while the Arduino is turned on { if (irrecv.decode(&results)) { Serial.println(results.value, HEX); // if IR signal is received than decode it and decide what to do switch(results.value) { case 0x23A557EA: Serial.println(" Moving Forward"); moveForward(); buzz(); break; case 0x501D512A: Serial.println(" Moving Backward"); moveBackward(); buzz(); break; case 0xE666C92B: Serial.println(" Moving Right"); moveRight(); buzz(); delay(200); moveStop(); break; case 0x99B63213: Serial.println(" Moving Left"); moveLeft(); buzz(); delay(200); moveStop(); break; case 0x8F6018A1: Serial.println(" Moving stop"); moveStop(); buzz(); break; case 0x61655F26: Serial.println(" Playing music"); moveStop(); if(playSong == 0){ if(musicSong == 0) { song1(); musicSong = 1; } else { song2(); musicSong = 0; } } break; case 0x15449185: Serial.println(" Automatic mode"); mon = 0; moveStop(); toggleRoam(); buzz(); break; case 0xD5351D23: Serial.println(" Automatic mode POWER Button"); // This is the same as automatic mode, but with anothe button on IR control mon = 0; moveStop(); toggleRoam(); buzz(); break; case 0xB626F6A7: Serial.println(" Monitoring mode"); roam = 0; moveStop(); toggleMonitor(); buzz(); break; case 0xFFFFFFFF: break; default: Serial.println(" Unknown code received"); break; } delay(500); irrecv.resume(); } if(roam == 1){ go(); } if(mon == 1) { monitor(); } } void toggleRoam(){ //This function toggle between autonomous and stop mode if(roam == 0){ roam = 1; Serial.println("Activated Roam Mode"); } else{ roam = 0; moveStop(); Serial.println("De-activated Roam Mode"); } } void toggleMonitor(){ //This function toggle between monitor and stop mode if(mon == 0){ mon = 1; moveStop(); Serial.println("Activated Monitor Mode"); } else{ mon = 0; moveStop(); Serial.println("De-activated Monitor Mode"); } } void moveForward() //This function tells the robot to go forward { Serial.println(""); Serial.println("Moving forward"); servo_left.write(0); servo_right.write(180); } void moveBackward() //This function tells the robot to move backward { Serial.println(""); Serial.println("Moving backward"); servo_left.write(180); servo_right.write(0); } void moveRight() //This function tells the robot to turn left { Serial.println(""); Serial.println("Moving left"); servo_left.write(60); servo_right.write(60); } void moveLeft() //This function tells the robot to turn right { Serial.println(""); Serial.println("Moving right"); servo_left.write(120); servo_right.write(120); } void moveStop() //This function tells the robot to stop moving { Serial.println(""); Serial.println("Stopping"); servo_left.write(87); servo_right.write(95); } int scan() //This function determines the distance things are away from the ultrasonic sensor { long pulse; Serial.println("Scanning distance"); digitalWrite(TRIG_PIN,LOW); delayMicroseconds(5); digitalWrite(TRIG_PIN,HIGH); delayMicroseconds(15); digitalWrite(TRIG_PIN,LOW); pulse = pulseIn(ECHO_PIN,HIGH); distance = round( pulse*0.01657 ); Serial.println(distance); } void watchsurrounding() { //Meassures distances to the right, left, front, left diagonal, right diagonal and asign them in cm to the variables rightscanval, //leftscanval, centerscanval, ldiagonalscanval and rdiagonalscanval (there are 5 points for distance testing) scan(); FrontDistance = distance; Serial.println("Front distance measuring done"); if(FrontDistance < distanceLimit) { moveStop; } servo_head.write(130); delay(100); scan(); LeftDiagonalDistance = distance; Serial.println("Left diagonal distance measuring done"); if(LeftDiagonalDistance < distanceLimit) { moveStop(); } servo_head.write(162); delay(300); scan(); LeftDistance = distance; Serial.println("Left distance measuring done"); if(LeftDistance < sideDistanceLimit) { moveStop(); } servo_head.write(130); delay(100); scan(); LeftDiagonalDistance = distance; Serial.println("Left diagonal distance measuring done"); if(LeftDiagonalDistance < distanceLimit) { moveStop(); } servo_head.write(98); delay(100); scan(); FrontDistance = distance; Serial.println("Front distance measuring done"); if(FrontDistance < distanceLimit) { moveStop(); } servo_head.write(66); delay(100); scan(); RightDiagonalDistance = distance; Serial.println("Right diagonal distance measuring done"); if(RightDiagonalDistance < distanceLimit) { moveStop(); } servo_head.write(34); delay(100); scan(); RightDistance = distance; Serial.println("Right distance measuring done"); if(RightDistance < sideDistanceLimit) { moveStop(); } servo_head.write(98); //Finish looking around (look forward again) delay(300); Serial.println("Measuring done"); } char decide(){ // Decide the right way without obstacles watchsurrounding(); if (LeftDistance > RightDistance && LeftDistance > FrontDistance){ Serial.println("Choise result is: LEFT"); choice = 'l'; } else if (RightDistance > LeftDistance && RightDistance > FrontDistance){ Serial.println("Choise result is: RIGHT"); choice = 'r'; } else if ( LeftDistance < sideDistanceLimit && RightDistance < sideDistanceLimit && FrontDistance < distanceLimit ) { Serial.println("Choice result is: BACK"); choice = 'b'; } else{ Serial.println("Choise result is: FORWARD"); choice = 'f'; } return choice; } void go() { moveForward(); ++numcycles; if(numcycles>40) // After 40 cycles of code measure surrounding obstacles { Serial.println("Front obstancle detected"); watchsurrounding(); if( LeftDistance < sideDistanceLimit || LeftDiagonalDistance < sideDistanceLimit) { Serial.println("Moving: RIGHT"); moveRight(); delay(turnTime); } if( RightDistance < sideDistanceLimit || RightDiagonalDistance < sideDistanceLimit) { Serial.println("Moving: LEFT"); moveLeft(); delay(turnTime); } numcycles=0; //Restart count of cycles } scan(); if( distance < distanceLimit) { distanceCounter++; } if( distance > distanceLimit) { distanceCounter = 0; } if(distanceCounter > 7) // robot reachaed 7 times distance limit in front of the robot, so robot must stop immediately and decide right way { moveStop(); turnDirection = decide(); switch (turnDirection){ case 'l': moveLeft(); delay(turnTime); buzz(); break; case 'r': moveRight(); delay(turnTime); buzz(); break; case 'b': moveBackward(); delay(turnTime); buzz(); break; case 'f': buzz(); break; } distanceCounter = 0; } } void monitor() { servo_head.write(98); delay(1000); scan(); if(distance < distanceLimit) { servo_head.write(138); //Move the servo to the left (my little servos didn't like going to 180 so I played around with the value until it worked nicely) delay(300); Serial.println(distance); servo_head.write(58); delay(300); servo_head.write(138); delay(300); servo_head.write(58); delay(300); } } void song1() { playSong = 1; for (int thisNote = 0; thisNote < 8; thisNote++) { // Loop through the notes in the array. TimerFreeTone(SPEAKER, melodyTones[thisNote], melodyDurations[thisNote]); // Play thisNote for duration. delay(50); // Short delay between notes. } playSong = 0; } void song2() { playSong = 1; for (int thisNote = 0; thisNote < 14; thisNote++) { // Loop through the notes in the array. TimerFreeTone(SPEAKER, melodyTones2[thisNote], melodyDurations2[thisNote]); // Play thisNote for duration. delay(50); // Short delay between notes. } playSong = 0; } void buzz(){ TimerFreeTone(SPEAKER, NOTE_C7, 100); delay(50); TimerFreeTone(SPEAKER, NOTE_C6, 100); } void fart(){ TimerFreeTone(SPEAKER, NOTE_C2, 200); delay(200); TimerFreeTone(SPEAKER, NOTE_C1, 400); delay(400); } void disBuzz() { TimerFreeTone(SPEAKER, NOTE_C2, 100); delay(50); TimerFreeTone(SPEAKER, NOTE_C1, 100); }